Friday, March 18, 2011

United States Media Bias, Reconsidered

I had an interesting conversation today with my LSAT instructor and fellow Classmate Jared Sanders concerning political bias in the media. Our instructor, Jon Crowell, was shocked to hear us speaking about a left wing bias in the media. He jumped in and exclaimed "left wing??" He went on to explain that in the grander scheme of things the United States on a whole, and the media in specific are entirely right wing. We ultimately came to the conclusion that when speaking about the political spectrum it is important to note that we are speaking within the framework of politics. Not sure I agree entirely but it was an interesting way of putting it. Is the American political arena so far to the right in general that the left is also right? not sure.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Alex, Really interesting stuff! I don't know if I agreed with him either. Thinking of the way the media has chastised the financial district in certain cases and ruined the careers of politicians, i guess im not convinced that the media system is entirely left wing. Then again, even with the criticism, we havn't, at least recently, seen any sweeping changes to the way americans think or do things. Perhaps he is right, the media is influenced to keep the status quo.

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