It is often said that computers are only as smart as their programmers. For programmers, however, this sentiment is a challenge. In the last decade or so, IBM has taken it upon themselves to spearhead the computer takeover. In 1997 IBM created a computer named Deep Blue, which was able to beat chess champion Gary Kasparov to a 6 game match. Fast-forward a decade or so to last night, when Watson, IBM's latest challenge to human intelligence, tied Jeopardy champion Brad Rutter at his own game... round two to air tonight.
Chess and Jeopardy champions are the paradigms of human intelligence. Other than the IQ test, humankind has developed no better litmus test of brilliance than Chess and Jeopardy...and computers are beating us!
How much time do we have before IBM runs a presidential candidate. They'll be able to program the candidate to say everything and anything that needs to be said. Best of all, he or she, will have no religion no race and no history of drugs.
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